Government of Chandigarh exempts certain factories and establishments from inspection under all labor laws

The Labour Department, of UT of Chandigarh on 10th July 2020 has notified a new comprehensive policy namely the Transparent Inspection Policy–2020, to achieve the objective of simplifying business regulations and to regulate the implementation of statutory provisions under various labour laws in a transparent and accountable manner through wide scale adoption of technology and innovation.

As a part of Ease of Doing Business and in compliance of the provisions of Business Reforms Action Plan, the government has exempted the following factories and establishments from physical inspections under all labor laws:

  • All the factories and establishments employing less than 50 workers and who have opted for the “Self Certification Scheme” and have submitted a single return under various labour laws.
  • All start-up establishments for a period of two years from the date of commencement of work/ business except the inspections covered under the Building and Other Construction Workers’ (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996.
  •  All the establishments having no employee i.e. employing family members only.
  • Any other establishment specifically exempted by Chandigarh Administration from time to time.
  • All shops and establishments employing up to 4 persons shall be exempted from inspection those employing 5 or more persons shall be inspected once in every five years and shops and establishments employing 100 or more persons shall be inspected once in every two years.

Click here to read the notification.