The Government of Bhopal vide its gazette notification dated 13th August 2020 has published the draft amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Bhumi Vikas Niyam, 2012.
The Amendment brings in a new definition for the term licensed architect/Structural Engineer/ Engineer/ Supervisor/ Town Planner/ Fire Engineer/ Group which means, respectively any qualified architect/ structural engineer/ engineer/ supervisor/ town planner/ fire engineer/ group who, where necessary, has been licensed as such by the Authority.
Under Rule 16(8), which relates to information to be provided regarding the type and grade of raw materials being used, has been substituted, as follows:
Specification both General and detailed, giving type and grade of materials being used, duly signed by the Licensed Architect, Structural Engineer, Engineer, Supervisor, Town Planner, Fire Engineer, or Group, as the case may be, shall accompany the application.
Further, a new rule87(4) which deals with the provision of National Building Code binding the building owners in which the following provisions have been inserted.
No Kitchen will be allowed on rooftops or basements. No cooking activity of any kind will be permitted on rooftop or basement and Storage of inflammable material will not be allowed on rooftops.
Flammable materials of construction will not be used in passage, corridors or staircases like wooden paneling, foam paneling, carpet etc. and Gas Bank, if any will be installed conforming to the standards prescribed in the National Building Code.
The Main electrical panels like HT , LT and main power distribution, DG changeover and main supply panels of all types high rise buildings, buildings carrying any type of commercial activities, offices, hospitals, nursing homes, production, testing, educational storage and godown etc shall be protected with in cabinet clean agent gas fire suppression system.
Further fire doors having a fire-resistance rating of not less than 1 hour at the entrance of staircases at each floor level be provided where the number of occupants is more than 10 on each floor.
The draft amendment will be taken into consideration on the expiry of 15 days from the date of publication of this notice in Madhya Pradesh Gazette. Any objections or suggestions, which may be received from any persons, with respect to the said draft before the expiry of the period specified above will be considered by the State Government.