The Government of Assam on 8th June 2022, has issued an order exempting adult workers of the Tea Factories in the state of Assam from the provision of Section 51, 54, and 56 (related to weekly hours, daily hours, and spread over respectively) of the Factories Act for a period of 4 months with effect from July 2022, to October, 2022 to deal with the exceptional pressure of work during the peak of the manufacturing season subject to the following conditions:-
- Total nos. of hours of work in any one day shall not exceed twelve.
- The spread over inclusive of intervals for rest shall not exceed thirteen hours in any one day.
- The total no of hours of work in any week including overtime should not exceed sixty.
- No-worker shall be allowed to work overtime for more than seven days at a stretch and the total nos. of hours of overtime work on any quarter shall not exceed seventy five.