The Government of Andhra Pradesh vide notification dated 1st November 2022, has allowed all retail enterprises to stay open every day of the year provided that the employees are given compensatory and compulsory weekly holiday on a preferential basis without any deduction of benefits, monetary and otherwise. List of such holidays for a month shall be placed on the notice board in advance.
Working hours of employees shall be a maximum of 8 hours per day and not more than 48 hours in a week. Record of time shall be maintained in wage register separately in respect of employees who worked beyond normal working hours and overtime wages shall be paid to all eligible employees.
Retail enterprises shall be allowed to operate between 6am to 11pm and employment of women shall be permitted in all shifts, subject to the enterprises ensuring safe and secure working environment.
Retail enterprises are allowed to maintain record like wages register, muster roll in respect of the employees in electronic form which shall be easily accessible online to the inspector under the AP shop and establishment Act, 1988.