The Government of Goa vide its notification dated 23rd December 2021 has published a list of “Approved Fuels”, in the state and no other fuels with exception of the ones listed below shall be used in the State of Goa.
The list of Approved Fuels, as recommended by Board are as follows:
- Coal with Low sulphur (Less than 0.4%)
- Coke/Lignite
- Petrol (BS-IV with 50ppmSulphur with effect from April, 2010 and BS VI with 10ppm Sulphur vide Government of India GSR 889 $ dated September 16, 2016 to be implemented w.e.f. 01-04-2020).
- Diesel (BS-IV with 50ppmSulphur with effect from April, 2010 and BS VI with 10ppm Sulphur vide Government of India GSR 889 $ dated September 16, 2016 to be implemented with effect from 01-04-2020).
- Aviation Turbine Fuel
- Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG)
- Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)/LNG
- Kerosene
- Naphtha
- Firewood/Dung cake
- Bio-gas 13. Agro waste/bio fuel/briquettes
- RDF, as per the provision of Solid
- Charcoal Waste Management Rules, 2016
- Hydrogen/Methane
- VLSFO (very low Sulphur Furnance Oil)