The Government of Goa vide gazette notification dated 15 September, 2022 has issued the Goa Factories (Sixteenth Amendment) Rules, 2022. The amendment provides that the Chief Inspector or the Inspector may, in exercise of the powers and performance of the functions under the Act, issue any directions in writing to the occupier or manager or both, any officer or authority appointed by the Government and such occupier or manager or both, such officer or authority shall be bound to comply with such directions.
No such notice shall be required to be given and the Chief Inspector may issue such directions after recording the reasons in writing and after obtaining due approval of the Government, wherever the reasons for such directions are such that the activity or the manufacturing process so carried out causes pollution or degradation of the general environment and/or the working conditions in a factory is in such a condition that it involves imminent danger to human life or safety or where any premises is being used as a factory without obtaining a licence from the Chief Inspector.