FSSAI requires specified imported food products to be accompanied by Non-GM Origin cum GM Free Certificate

The Food Safety and Standards Association of India (FSSAI) has issued an Order stating that every consignment of specified imported food products must be accompanied by a non-GM (Genetically Modified) origin cum GM-free certificate. The FSSAI further prescribes the format in which the certificate is to be issued. This Order shall come into force from 1st January 2021.

The list of imported food products is contained in Annexure I of this Order and it includes a comprehensive list of food crops including apples, beans, chicory, maize, melons, rice, soybean, etc. Furthermore, Annexure-II contains the format of the Certificate for Non-GM Origin and GM-Free Status. This certificate is to be issued by the Competent National Authority of the exporting country. The format prescribes for details such as names and addresses of exporters, manufacturers and consignees, quantity, description and expiry date of products, if any, country of export, etc.

The FSSAI reasons that this Order was issued to ensure that only non-GM food crops are imported into India, pending the framing of regulations on Genetically Modified or Engineered products. It further asserts that it has issued this Order in the exercise of its power to issue guidelines/ advisories/ orders to ensure the safety and wholesomeness of articles of food that are imported into India.