FSSAI Re-operationalised the Licensing and Registration of Food Business Amendment Regulations.

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India on 12th November 2021, has issued a Notice for operationalisation of Food Safety and Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food Business) Amendment Regulations, 2021. The Food business operators shall follow these revised regulations.

The FSSAI had proposed amendments to the Food Safety and Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food Businesses) Regulation, 2011 and had framed the 2018 amendment Regulations. These regulations had been approved by the Food Authority in a meeting held on 21 September 2017. These regulations contain amendments in respect of the following sections:

  • Section I Licensing and Registration of E-Commerce food business operators
  • Section II: Documents to be enclosed for a new application for a license to State/Central Licensing Authority for restaurant
  • Section III: Conditions of license for a restaurant
  • Section IV: Part-II of Schedule 4 relating to general requirements on Hygienic and sanitary practices to be followed by all food business operators applying for a license
  • Section V: Part IV of Schedule 4 relating to establishing a small slaughter house
  • Section VI: Part V of Schedule 4 relating to good hygienic and manufacturing practices to be followed by licensed food business operators engaged in catering or food service operations.

As per regulation 2.1.18, the Manufacturing/Processing license holder shall implement and maintain a system of control to ensure the quality of his production or process by means of a specific plan of testing so that the food product or process comply with the relevant regulations/standard(s): Provided that the Food Authority may specify the periodicity of the tests to be carried out on certain products or category of products.

Provided further that Food Authority may also specify the tests to be carried out in-house along with the required laboratory and the testing personnel.

Under regulation 2.2.1, E-commerce FBOs shall obtain central license from the concerned central licensing authority.

Provided that E-commerce entities providing listing/directory of FBO/food products may not be required to obtain license under the Act, Rules & Regulations made thereunder, subject to the condition that they are not covered under the definition of food business as per section 3 (n) of FSS Act.

Provided that E-commerce entities providing listing/directory of FBO/food products and also facilitating orders/transaction on their website shall require FSSAI licenses.

The sellers/brand owners/manufacturers on the e-commerce platform shall be required to display their License/Registration obtained under the FSS Act and Regulations and hygiene grading of FBO as may be assigned by FSSAI.

 All e-commerce FBOs are required to sign an agreement with the sellers/brand owners/manufacturers averring that the said ‘sellers/brand owners/manufacturers’ are 4 compliant with FSS Act and Rules and Regulations made thereunder and the liabilities shall rest with these FBOs.


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