The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India vide its notification dated 9th August 2021 has directed the licensing authorities to organize special camps in their area of jurisdiction and spread awareness for online submission of Annual Return by Manufacturers/Importers only through FoSCoS. The licensing authority shall ensure 100% implementation of the order by the food business under their jurisdiction by 31st August 2021.
FSSAI has earlier issued a notification regarding Mandatory online submission of Annual Return by Food Business wef FY 2020-21 and the revised format of annual return has also been incorporated in the food safety compliance system. The provision of mandatory online submission of returns would not only facilitate the food business operators but also ensure ease of doing business and help in creation of national-level database.
As per clause 2.1.13(3) Food Safety and Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food Business) Regulations, 2011 any delay in filing return beyond 31st May of each year shall attract a penalty of Rs.100 per day of delay. Licensing Authorities are directed to ensure its enforcement and shall impose penalty on default FBOs in case of non-submission of Annual return for FY 2020-2021 till extended date 31st August 2021.