The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has issued an order mandating that FSSAI notified laboratories must upload test reports of Fortified Rice Kernel (FRK) and Vitamin-Mineral Premix for FRK on the Infolnet Portal. This order was issued on 31st October, 2023.
It may be recalled that as per Food Safety and Standards (Recognition and Notification of Laboratories) Regulations, 2017, all FSSAI notified laboratories must share record of observations and upload test reports on the online platform of FSSAI.
Therefore, FSSAI has directed the notified laboratories approved for testing of FRK and Vitamin-Mineral Premix for FRK to mandatorily upload test reports of samples analysed by them on the Infolnet Portal. These reports must be uploaded immediately upon completion of analysis on a real-time basis.
Additionally, all these laboratories must also submit monthly reports of tests carried out on samples of FRK and Vitamin-Mineral Premix for FRK. These reports must be submitted on or before 5th of every month to the email ID- in the prescribed format.
Furthermore, the laboratories shall also submit the details of the manufacturer in cases of non-compliant samples. All remnants of samples must be stored for at least 3 months from the date of reporting.
Failure to comply with any of the above directions will lead to strict penal actions against defaulting laboratories.