FSSAI Introduces Special Drive for Licensing and Registration of Food Businesses

In spite of taking various measures to ensure compliance with the Food Safety and Standards Act and its Rules, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) and the State Food Safety Authorities have observed several cases of non-compliance by food businesses like license/registration in wrong categories, continuing business with expired / without license. Hence, FSSAI has launched a special drive for licensing and registration of FBOs, on 1st July 2019.

It shall address four types of non-compliance:

1. FBOs who have obtained registration certificate despite being required to obtain a license.

2. FBOs continuing food business with expired or without license. 

3. FBOs who have obtained fresh license or registration instead of renewing the previous one, to avoid penalty.

4. FBOs manufacturing or processing food products which are not endorsed on their license.

This drive shall be implemented in two phases. Between 1st July 2019 – 30th September 2019, FBOs are required to verify their license details, products endorsed and eligibility criteria. They are also required to report any anomaly or upgradation required in existing license and accordingly apply for a new licence, modification etc.

From 1st October 2019 onwards, the concerned authorities shall initiate inquiries and take suitable action against defaulting FBOs under the FSS Act 2006, Rules and Regulations.

Click here to read the full Notification