Food Safety and Standards Authority (FSSAI) has decided to de-recognise and de-notify in-house testing laboratories of Food Business Operators (FBOs). This notification was issued on 14th February, 2023.
The Food Authority has decided that in-house testing laboratories of any FBO shall not be notified by FSSAI. This decision of the FSSAI was based on a plethora of reasons such as:
- conflict of interest,
- location of such labs within manufacturing area of FBO,
- presence of Directors of FBO in the constitution of Board of Management and
- difficulty in regular monitoring and verification of minor details of the in-house laboratory
FSSAI has initiated the process of de-notification of all such laboratories. Accordingly, the Food Authority has de-notified the in-house laboratories of ‘M/s ITC Foods Pvt Ltd ’Agri Business Division – ILTD, Spices Laboratory, Guntur‘ and ‘Nutralytica Research Private Limited, Nashik on 18th October, 2022.
Similarly, all other remaining in-house testing laboratories of FBOs will be de-notified in due course of time.