FSSAI de-recognises and de-notifies in-house testing laboratories of FBOs

Food Safety and Standards Authority (FSSAI) has decided to de-recognise and de-notify in-house testing laboratories of Food Business Operators (FBOs). This notification was issued on 14th February, 2023.

The Food Authority has decided that in-house testing laboratories of any FBO shall not be notified by FSSAI. This decision of the FSSAI was based on a plethora of reasons such as:

  1. conflict of interest,
  2. location of such labs within manufacturing area of FBO,
  3. presence of Directors of FBO in the constitution of Board of Management and
  4. difficulty in regular monitoring and verification of minor details of the in-house laboratory

FSSAI has initiated the process of de-notification of all such laboratories. Accordingly, the Food Authority has de-notified the in-house laboratories of ‘M/s ITC Foods Pvt Ltd ’Agri Business Division – ILTD, Spices Laboratory, Guntur‘ and ‘Nutralytica Research Private Limited, Nashik on 18th October, 2022.

Similarly, all other remaining in-house testing laboratories of FBOs will be de-notified in due course of time.