FSSAI Cracks Down on Pesticide Use in Delhi Markets

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is taking a firm stance against pesticide residue in the national capital. In collaboration with the Delhi Food Safety Department, it has launched an extensive awareness program targeting major markets. It has started with the popular Khan Market and INA Market. A press release on this program was issued on April 8, 2024.

Focus on Detection and Prevention:

The campaign prioritizes educating market associations and traders about the dangers of pesticide residue, primarily in fruits and vegetables. It also emphasizes the importance of testing these products.

FSSAI showcased its innovative “Food Safety on Wheel” mobile lab, equipped with rapid testing kits to detect approximately 50 pesticide residues in fruits, vegetables, milk, and cereals. These tests deliver results within hours, allowing for swift action to ensure food safety.

Promoting Safe Practices

Traders were encouraged to utilize the mobile lab for swift testing and maintain the highest safety standards. Additionally, the program highlighted the importance of FSSAI licenses and registration, sourcing raw materials from authorized vendors, and proper testing of all ingredients.

Combating Artificial Ripening and Waxing:

The campaign also raised awareness about the dangers of artificial ripening and wax coating of fruits and vegetables using unapproved chemicals. It promoted the role of organic farming as a safer alternative.

By emphasizing “Food Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility,” the program emphasizes the collective effort needed to ensure a healthy food supply chain.