Foreign Exchange (Compounding Proceedings) Rules, 2024

Ministry of Finance has notified the Foreign Exchange (Compounding Proceedings) Rules, 2024 under powers given under section 46 read with section 15 of the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA), 1999. The amended Rules will supersede the existing Foreign Exchange (Compounding Proceedings) Rules, which were issued in 2000. The rules provides that if any person contravenes the provisions of the Act,-

  1. In a case, where the sum involved in such contravention is five lakh rupees or below, by the Deputy Director of the Directorate of Enforcement;
  2. In a case, where the sum involved in such contravention is more than five lakh rupees but less than ten lakh rupees, by the Additional Director of the Directorate of Enforcement;
  3. In a case, where the sum involved in the contravention is ten lakh rupees or more but less than fifty lakh rupees, by the Special Director of the Directorate of Enforcement;
  4. In a case, where the sum involved in the contravention is fifty lakh rupees or more but less than one crore rupees, by the Special Director along with the Deputy Legal Adviser of the Directorate of Enforcement; and
  5. In a case, where the sum involved in such contravention is one crore rupees or more, by the Director of Enforcement along with the Special Director of the Directorate of Enforcement.

May compound such contravention in accordance with the provisions of these rules.