ESIC vide circular dated 14.03.2024 has provided for review of the Aadhaar Implementation in ESI Corporation. To increase Aadhaar seeding and achieve the targets fixed, the following additional steps should be implemented:
- Awareness Campaigns: Conduct awareness campaigns to educate Employers/Employees about the importance of Aadhar seeding and its benefits in accessing ESI services.
- Simplify the Process: To make the Aadhaar seeding process self sustainable and easier, make Employers, IPs and beneficiaries aware how to do it on their own by following ways:-
a. Online Self-seeding by IP/dependents through ESIC-IP Portal
b. Through employer of IPs.
c. By visiting ESIC Branch Office.
d. By visiting the Kiosks established at Hospital/dispensary.
e. Through Face-recognition after installing ESIC Mobile Application (AAA+) - Set targets:- Region/Sub-Region should set a target for achieving 100% Aadhaar seeding of IPs and beneficiaries falling under their jurisdiction.