ESIC issues guidelines for disposing of Grievances on CPGRAMS Portal

The ESIC vide circular dated 01/12/2022 has directed its officers that all grievances should be settled qualitatively within the time frame of 30 days. ESIC has also directed to take appropriate action against the erring officers for non- adherence to the instructions issued in regard to grievance redressal.

In view of the above the officers are advised to comply with the following points while disposing of Grievances on CPGRAMS Portal:
• CPGRAMS Portal should be monitored daily and not pertaining cases should be returned on the same day.
• Appropriate reply to the complainant should be given through letter/email before disposing of the grievance.
• The satisfaction of the complainant should be confirmed telephonically and the same should be recorded at CPGRAMS Portal while disposing the case.
• One line reply should be avoided in the portal and instead summary of contents of the reply received from the Branch / Subordinate office should be written while attaching the relevant document. Lines such as “Please find the attachment” should not be used.
• Inter Branch communication should not be posted in the reply forwarded by PGO. PGO should reply on the portal on behalf of the office/region/hospital.
• Inappropriate Language / Authoritative language should not be used in the reply given C-12012/56/2021-PG I/118574/2022 to the complainant.
• Hindi language must be used to answer / reply Grievances received in Hindi.
• Details of PGO should be updated immediately in the portal in case of change of PGO.
• While settling reimbursement cases complete details of the amount claimed, rate, deduction made as per CGHS amount disbursed etc should be informed to complainant properly to avoid recurrence of grievances.
• While replying to complainant or giving comments on the portal abbreviations should be avoided and instead full forms are to be used.
• Senior most administrative officer posted in the office/region/hospital should be nominated as Public Grievance Officer (PGO). A link officer may also be nominated to ensure everyday availability of PGO in the office.
• Special attention may be given to the cases pending for more than 20 days on the portal and immediate necessary action should be taken for resolution of such cases so that the case can be disposed within the prescribed time limit of 30 days.