ESIC enhances the payment of unemployment benefit under Atal Bimit Vyakti Kalyan yojana.

The Employees State Insurance Corporation vide its circular dated 20th August 2020 has decided to relax the existing conditions and the amount of relief for workers who have lost employment during the Covid-19 pandemic period.

The scheme now offers double the payment for three months at 50 percent against 25 percent earlier for the period March 24, 2020, to December 31, 2020. Thereafter the scheme will be available with original eligibility condition during the period 1st January 2021 to 30th June 2021.

Further, under the revised conditions the claims can be filed after 30 days from unemployment against 90 days earlier and the Insured Person should have been insurable employment for a minimum period of 2 years before his/her employment and should have contributed for not less than 78 days in the contribution period immediately preceding to unemployment and minimum 78 days in one of the remaining 3 contribution periods in 2 years prior to unemployment.

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