Ensuring Fair Bonus Payments: New Government Appeal for Durga Puja 2024

As Durga Puja approaches, the Government of West Bengal’s Labour Department September 5th 2024, has issued a critical appeal to both employers and employees regarding the payment of bonuses for the year 2024. This initiative aims to uphold industrial peace and harmony while ensuring that workers receive their rightful dues.

1. Embracing Flexibility in Bonus Payments

The primary focus of the appeal is to encourage employers to adopt a flexible approach when handling bonus payments. According to the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, as amended by the Payment of Bonus (Amendment) Act, 2015, employers are expected to follow statutory provisions regarding bonuses. However, in the spirit of maintaining industrial peace, the government urges employers to be accommodating and consider the economic conditions and needs of their employees. This flexibility is crucial in fostering a harmonious work environment.

2. Ensuring Bonus Consistency

Employers are advised to ensure that the bonus rate for the current year is not less than that of the previous year. Consistency in bonus payments helps in maintaining employee morale and trust. In cases where disputes arise, the government recommends resolving them amicably through negotiations. Additionally, employers are encouraged to provide an ex-gratia payment, which is at the maximum stage of eligibility, to employees who exceed the statutory eligibility limit for bonuses. This extra consideration can significantly impact employees who might otherwise feel excluded.

3. Inclusivity in Bonus Payments

The guidelines emphasize that all employees who have worked for at least 30 days during the year should be eligible for a bonus. This includes casual workers, those re-employed after retirement, and employees working through contractors. Ensuring that these categories of workers receive their bonuses is crucial for inclusivity and fairness.

4. Addressing Past Dues

For employers who have defaulted on bonus payments in previous years, the appeal stresses the importance of settling these outstanding dues along with this year’s bonus payments. Clearing past arrears not only aligns with legal requirements but also builds trust and goodwill among employees.

5. Cooperation from Trade Unions and Employers’ Organizations

Trade unions and employers’ organizations play a pivotal role in maintaining industrial peace. The government calls on these entities to support peaceful resolution of bonus-related disputes and to work collaboratively towards a smooth implementation of bonus payments. Their active involvement is crucial for fostering a cooperative work environment.

6. Special Focus on Certain Sectors

The government has expressed concern over certain sectors where employees have historically not received bonuses, such as IT, hotels and restaurants, shops and establishments, security services, and jute mills. This year, the government hopes for a significant improvement in these sectors and urges employers to ensure that bonuses are paid as per the statutory requirements.

7. Deadline for Bonus Payments

To align with the festive spirit of Durga Puja, all bonus payments must be completed by September 30, 2024. This deadline is set to ensure that employees receive their bonuses before the start of the festival, contributing to their festive celebrations and financial well-being.

8. Expectations from Public Sector Undertakings

The appeal extends to public sector undertakings, which are also expected to adhere to these guidelines. Compliance across all sectors, including the public sector, is essential for maintaining uniformity and fairness in bonus payments.

9. Guidance for Employers’ Organizations

Employers’ organizations are tasked with advising their members to follow the government’s appeal. This guidance is vital for ensuring that all employers, regardless of their sector or size, implement the bonus payment guidelines effectively.

10. Addressing the Unorganized Sector

Finally, the appeal highlights the situation of workers in the unorganized sector, who are not covered under the Payment of Bonus Act. Despite the legal gaps, the government expects employers in this sector to provide bonuses or ex-gratia payments to their workers. This step would ensure that even those outside the formal regulatory framework benefit from fair compensation.


As we approach Durga Puja 2024, the West Bengal Government’s appeal underscores the importance of fair and timely bonus payments. By adhering to these guidelines, employers can contribute to a harmonious industrial climate and enhance employee satisfaction. Workers, in turn, can look forward to a festive season with the assurance that their contributions are valued and rewarded.