Enhancing Digital Life Certificate Adoption for Pensioners

In a significant move towards digital empowerment, the Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) is launching a targeted campaign to promote facial authentication technology (FAT) for digital life certificate (DLC) submission. This initiative aims to reduce pensioners’ reliance on banks and intermediaries for updating their life certificates. This notification was published on July 11, 2024.

The campaign outlines several key actions, including:

Actions by Field Offices:

  1. Engagement with Pension Disbursing Banks: Banks will facilitate DLC updation using fingerprint scanners,iris scanners, and now face authentication. Branches will prominently display the FAT facility and educate pensioners on updating DLC using their mobile phones.
  2. Communication with Employers/Unions: EPFO will conduct awareness sessions and send emails to employer associations and employee unions to disseminate information about FAT for DLC submission.
  3. SMS Campaign: Reminders will be sent to pensioners whose DLC is pending, emphasizing the benefits of using FAT.
  4. Information Handout: A detailed handout in regional languages will be available on the EPFO website, explaining the FAT DLC submission process. This will also be shared on social media and displayed prominently at EPFO offices.
  5. Awareness at Field Offices: EPFO offices will educate pensioners visiting for DLC updates on the FAT process, encouraging them to utilize smartphones for future DLC submissions.

Actions by the Publicity Division:

  1. Video Production: EPFO’s Publicity Division will create a video demonstrating the FAT DLC submission process.
  2. Deployment at NAN Camps: The FAT video will be showcased at all Nidhi Apke Nikat (NAN) camps, aiming to reach pensioners with smartphones and informing them about the convenience of FAT for DLC submission.

This campaign underscores EPFO’s commitment to leveraging technology for efficient pension disbursal and empowering pensioners with easy, accessible methods for DLC submission. By embracing FAT, pensioners can ensure timely pension disbursement without the need for frequent visits to banks or EPFO offices.