Draft Rules On Radar Equipment For The Measurement Of The Speed Of Vehicles

The Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution (MoCAFPD) has issued Draft Radar equipment for the measurement of the speed of vehicles Rules 2024 on May 13, 2024.

These draft rules called as Legal Metrology (General) (Amendment) Rules, 2024 state that all radar equipment for measuring vehicle speed must be verified and stamped within one year of installation. Equipment already installed at the time of publication must be verified and stamped when re-verification is due or within one year.

Under these rules, Part XI, “Radar equipment for the measurement of the speed of vehicles,” under Schedule 8 is inserted. It specifies the applicability of microwave Doppler radar equipment for measuring traffic speed on roads. These rules apply to microwave Doppler radar equipment for traffic speed measurement used in legal proceedings.

The construction requirements specify that the radar indicators must be easily readable and the speed range should cover 30 km/h to 150 km/h. Additionally, the radar must be well-built for sufficient strength and stability and must undergo tests to demonstrate their reactions to power line variations, electrical bursts, and external electromagnetic fields. Various tests such as mechanical shock, climatic resistance, and reliability of electronic components are required to test the influence factors and disturbances and measures must be in place to seal or protect components to prevent errors in measurement.

Any Comments/Objections on these rules can be send by the stakeholders to the emailID: dirwm ca@nic.in/ ashutosh.agarwal13@nic.in/ mk.naik72@gov.in. by June 11, 2024.