The Ministry of Environment and Forests on 22nd April, 2021 has issued draft notification for thermal plants regarding ash utilization. Every coal or lignite based thermal power plant (including captive and / or co-generating stations) shall be primarily responsible to ensure 100% utilisation of ash (fly ash, and bottom ash) generated by it in an eco-friendly manner. The ash generated from coal or lignite based Thermal Power Plants (TPP) shall be utilized only for the
following eco-friendly purposes:
- Cement manufacturing, ready mix concrete;
- Manufacturing of brick /blocks/tiles;
- Construction of road and fly over embankment, Ash and Geo-polymer based construction material;
- Construction of dam;
- Filling up of low lying area;
- Filling of mine voids;
- Manufacturing of sintered/ cold bonded ash aggregate;
- Agriculture in a controlled manner based on soil testing;
- Construction of shoreline protection structures in coastal districts;
- Export of ash to other countries;
- Any other eco-friendly purpose as notified from time to time.
Every coal/lignite based thermal power plant shall be responsible to utilize 100% ash (fly ash and bottom ash) generated during that year. However, in no case shall utilization fall below 80 % in any year. Also, it should achieve average ash utilization of 100% in a 3 year cycle.
Objections or suggestions, if any, may be addressed to the e-mail id of Ministry of Environment and Forest within 60 days.