Draft Food Products Standards and Food Additives Amendment Regulations, 2024

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has proposed amendments to the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011. It has issued two draft notifications published on June 6, 2024.

Draft Amendment Regulations

The draft amendments introduces changes in Synthetic Syrups for Carbonated Water. The term “nutritive sweeteners” is replaced with the broader term “sweeteners.” Additionally, the minimum total soluble solid content requirement is removed.

For Culinary Pastes/Fruit & Vegetable Sauces, the acidity limits are no longer applicable for retort/ aseptically processed products.

The draft also lays down specific parameters for Whole Maize (Corn) Flour their corresponding limits are established.

For Ragi Flour, additional requirements are proposed for total ash content, alcoholic acidity, and calcium content.

Detailed quality standards are outlined for Flattened Rice including physical appearance (color, stains, infestation), freedom from extraneous matter (dirt, stones, etc.), taste and flavor (pleasant, no mustiness).

Rice Flour specifications are defined for color, texture (free-flowing), odor (characteristic, no off-odors) and absence of foreign matter.

Standards are proposed for two new types of edible salt:

  • Edible Rock Salt (Pink salt and Sendha salt)
  • Edible Black Salt

Draft First Amendment Regulations

The draft amendments introduces a definition for “Ultra Pasteurization” of milk. This process extends shelf life at room temperature while maintaining quality.

It also proposes standards for four new edible nut oils: hazelnut, pistachio, walnut and coconut testa.

It seeks to set limits for total and saturated fat content in imitation chocolate and chocolate spreads.

The draft amendment also aims to regulate water used in ice lolly or edible Ice products. This water must meet packaged drinking water standards and be free of Listeria monocytogenes bacteria.

It also sets new specifications for High Fructose Corn Syrup and new Spice Standards are defined for juniper berries, a popular culinary spice.

Sulphur Dioxide (INS 220) is added to the list of permitted clarifying agents and filtration aids. Rapeseed oil is added as a permitted lubricant, release, and anti-stick agent. Talc use is expanded to include gums in addition to confectionery products.

Public Consultation

The public is invited to submit comments and suggestions on the proposed amendments within 60 days of the Gazette notification. This feedback will be considered by the FSSAI before finalizing the regulations.

Objections and Suggestions

  • Mail to: Chief Executive Officer, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, FDA Bhawan, Kotla Road, New Delhi- 110002
  • Email: regulation@fssai.gov.in