Draft Agro Residue Utilization by Thermal Power Plants Rules, 2023

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has issued draft Agro Residue Utilization by Thermal Power Plants Rules, 2023. These draft rules were issued on 16th February, 2023.

These rules are sought to be made applicable to all the Thermal Power Plants Located in the Area falling in jurisdiction of Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM) in NCR and Adjoining Areas constituted under “The Commission for Air Quality Management in National Capital Region and Adjoining Areas Act, 2021”.

The draft rules seek to stipulate that all coal based thermal power plants of power generation utilities shall on annual basis mandatorily use minimum 5 percent blend of pellets / briquettes made of crop residue along with coal.

The CAQM in National Capital Region and Adjoining Areas or any officer authorised by CAQM shall levy Environmental Compensation on annual basis as per the rate specified in the draft rules.

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification may forward the same in writing, for consideration of the Central Government by 17th April, 2023