DPIIT registered Start-ups and registered MSMEs for Testing & Certification of Telecom Products get total exemption of testing & certification fees for their products.

The Ministry of Communications on 30th March 2022 has granted total exemption of testing & certification fees for telecom products. This exemption is valid for a period of 5 years and it will also benefit women entrepreneur enterprises.

In order to support and encourage ecosystem for Start-ups and MSMEs in Telecom and related ICT sector, Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC), the technical body under Department of Telecommunications (DOT) has incentivized DPIIT registered Start-ups and registered MSMEs for Testing & Certification of Telecom Products under Voluntary Certification Scheme of TEC by total exemption of testing & certification fees for their products.

The existing administrative fees (Rs.10,000 or Rs. 20,000 based on product category I to X) under voluntary certification scheme  will be charged as renewal fees if the product hardware remains same & TEC Standard/Specifications is valid. The said renewal Certificate will be valid for a period of 10 years.