DoT notifies ‘Telecommunications (Administration of Digital Bharat Nidhi) Rules, 2024’

DoT has notified ‘Telecommunications (Administration of Digital Bharat Nidhi) Rules, 2024’. The rules provide for powers and functions of administrator, who will be responsible for overseeing the implementation and administration of the Digital Bharat Nidhi. The rules also provide for criteria for undertaking schemes and projects under Digital Bharat Nidhi and selection process for implementers.

The rules stipulate that funds from the Digital Bharat Nidhi will be allocated to projects aimed at improving telecommunication services in underserved and remote areas and for underserved groups of the society, such as, women, persons with disabilities and economically and socially weaker sections.

It is also provided that any Implementer, receiving funding from the Digital Bharat Nidhi for establishing, operating, maintaining or expanding a telecommunication network, shall share and make available such telecommunication network/services on an open and non-discriminatory basis.