Discontinuation Of Courses Under College of Physicians & Surgeons (CPS), Mumbai

The Post Graduate Medical Education Board (PGMEB) of the National Medical Commission (NMC) has decided to discontinue all the courses running under the umbrella of CPS, Mumbai with immediate effect. This notice was issued on August 22, 2024.

The PGMEB clarified that CPS is a non-government organization. CPS does not have the authority to permit or recognize any medical courses or conduct examinations leading to degrees.

Therefore, PGMEB has decided to discontinue all courses offered under the umbrella of CPS, Mumbai, with immediate effect. This decision applies to students considering future admissions.

Medical institutions and hospitals currently running CPS courses, as well as students who are in the process of taking admissions to the courses run by CPS, are advised to take note of this decision. Any qualifications obtained through CPS courses after the issuance of this public notice will not be recognized for registration.