DGFT to issue Preferential Certificate of Origin for Exports to UAE under India-UAE CECPA from 1st May 2022.

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade on 29th April 2022 has further expanded the electronic platform for Preferential Certificate of Origin (CoO) to facilitate electronic application of Preferential Certificates of Origin under the India-UAE Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement. The Preferential Certificate of Origin for Exports to UAE under India-UAE CECPA shall be issued from the CoO e-platform with effect from 01st May 2022.

The application for the above trade-agreement shall be submitted on the eCoO Website (https://coo.dgft.gov.in). The eCoO generated shall bear the image signature of the officer and stamp of the issuing agency. The eCoO shall also bear a Quick-Response(QR) code for electronic verification and authenticity of eCoO so issued. The authenticity of the eCoO may additionally be verified by keying in the Certificate Number on the ‘Verify Certificate’ link on the eCoO Website.

Any new applicant exporter would be required to initially register at the portal. The password would be sent on the email and mobile number of the IEC (importer exporter code) holder. In case the IEC holder desires to update their email on which communication is to be sent, the same may be done by using the ‘IEC Profile Management’ service on the DGFT website https://dgft.gov.in.

Once registration is completed, the IEC branch details would be auto-populated as per the DGFT-IEC database. Applicant is required to ensure that updated IEC details are available in the DGFT system. Necessary steps may be taken to modify the IEC details online, whenever required.