The Director General of Foreign Trade vide its notification dated 30th March 2021 has enabled the Online Filing of requests for Closure of Advance Authorizations.
The Authorisation Holders are required to make online submissions for the fulfillment of Export Obligation to the DGFT Regional Authority (RA). The given facility may be utilized for Redemption, Surrender, Duty Paid Regularization, Bond Waiver, or the Clubbing of Advance Authorizations. The facility for on-boarding of certifying authorities such as CA/CE/CS and for them to digitally sign and submit certificates against the Exporter’s IEC electronically has also been provided. However, the Authorisation Holder has the option to upload the CA/CE/CS Certificate directly to the specific Repository.
CDSCO Launches Streamlined Online Export NOC System via SUGAM Portal
The Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) has launched a new, streamlined online Export No Objection Certificate (NOC) system on the SUGAM portal, aimed at