DGFT issues revised import policy for drones in sync with Finance Act, 2021

The Director General of Foreign Trade vide notification dated 9 February, 2021 has revised the import policy for drones in sync with Finance Act, 2021. The revised import policy provides that import of drones in Completely-Built-Up
(CBU), Semi-knocked-down (SKD) or Completely-Knocked-down (CKD) form is Prohibited, with following exceptions: –

  1. Import of drones by Government entities, educational institutions recognized by central or state government, government recognized R&D entities and drone manufacturers for R&D purpose shall be allowed in CBU, SKD
    or CKD form subject to import authorization issued by DGFT in consultation with
    concerned line ministries.
  2. Import of drones for defence & security purposes shall be allowed in CBU, SKD or CKD form subject to import authorization issued by DGFT in consultation with concerned line ministries.
  3. Import of drone components shall be ‘Free’.