DGFT has expanded the electronic platform for Preferential Certificate of Origin for 2 more FTAs/PTAs.

The Director General of Foreign Trade on 23rd February 2021 has notified that the electronic platform for Preferential Certificate of Origin(CoO) is being expanded further to add two more FTAs/PTAs to facilitate electronic application of Preferential Certificates of Origin under the given Trade Agreements.

The Preferential Certificate of Origin for exports to countries under the following trade agreements i.e. i. India-Mercosur Preferential Trade Agreement ii. India-Thailand Early Harvest Scheme, shall be applied and issued from the CoO e-platform with effect from 25 th February 2021. No manual application for such a CoO should be submitted to an issuing agency from 25th February 2021.

The electronic copy shall bear the image signature of the officer and stamp of the issuing agency. The exporter may however get the remaining copies duly ink-signed by the issuing officer along with the stamp of the issuing office.


CRCS- Sahara Refund Portal

In compliance with the Supreme Court’s directions, the Ministry of Cooperation launched the CRCS-Sahara Refund Portal on 18th July 2023. This portal is specifically designed

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