DGFT extends last date for obtaining SIMS (Steel Import Monitoring System) registration till 21st November , 2019

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade Vide notification dated 13th November 2019, has extended the one time relaxation for obtaining (Steel Import Monitoring system) SIMS registration till 21st November 2019 and has amended certain import policy conditions.

  • The Central government amended the  Import Policy of specific iron & steel items appearing in Chapter 72, 73 and 86 of ITC (HS), 2017, Schedule – I from ‘free’ to ‘free subject to compulsory registration’ under SIMS.
  • SIMS requires importers to submit advance information in an online system for import of items in the Annex and shall obtain an automatic Unique Registration Number by paying the prescribed registration fee. An Importer can apply for online registration not earlier than 60th day and not later than 15th day before the expected date of arrival of import consignment. The automatic Registration Number thus granted shall remain valid for a period of 75 days.
  • DGFT in its earlier notification dated 5th September 2019, has mentioned that SIMS was to be effective from November 01, 2019 after which the Bill of Entry for items as listed in the Annex to this Notification was to be governed by SIMS. And now  it has extended the date till 21st November 2019.

Click here to read the Notification