DGFT amends the principles on restriction and prohibitions for Imports/Exports.

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry vide its notification dated 10th August 2021 has revised the principles of restrictions and prohibitions for imports/exports in order to be in line with international agreements.

Through this amendment para 2.07 of Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-2020 which deals with principles of Restrictions has been revised as follows:

DGFT may through a Notification, impose ‘Prohibition’ or ‘Restriction’: –

  1. on export of foodstuffs or other essential products for preventing or relieving critical shortages and on imports and exports necessary for the application of standards or regulations for the classification, grading or marketing of commodities in international trade.
  2. on imports of fisheries product, imported in any form, for enforcement of governmental measures to restrict production of the domestic product or for certain other purposes and on imports to safeguard country’s external financial position and to ensure a level of reserves.
  3. for preventing sudden increases in imports from causing serious injury to domestic producers or to relieve producers who have suffered such injury;
  4. for protection of public morals or to maintain public order and for protection of human, animal or plant life or health
  5. for ensuring essential quantities for the domestic processing industry. Etc