It has come to the notice of Delhi Police, that there are number of banking and Financial/business establishments such as; Banks, ATMs, Private locker, Companies, Petrol Pumps, Shops, malls/restaurants/hotels, cinema halls/cine complexes, etc., that conduct their business in Delhi and deals in the cash and other precious items and CCTVs are not installed to cover the outer areas of such establishment. The Assistant Commissioners of Police in Delhi have made of written orders for strict compliance by the owner of all such establishments in their respective jurisdictions. The latest order in this regard has been passed on 23rd April, 2019 for Lajpat Nagar area.
According to the order, all the owners of such establishment, within a period of 60 days from the date of the publication of orders u/s 144 of Cr.P.C. for their respective jurisdiction shall ensure the following:
- Install good quality CCTV cameras in sufficient number and recording system with play back facility, to cover the area outside such banking and financial/business establishments. The CCTV should monitor anyone entering the premises or loitering outside.
- It should be ensured that the installed CCTV cameras are in working order all the time in such establishments.
- The recording system shall preserve a digital record of CCTV coverage for not less than 15 days.
- The concerned bank and financial/business establishments shall copy the CCTV coverage on CD/pen drive and hand it over to the police whenever required/demanded.
Similar orders has been made for NBFC ( Non-Banking financial companies) and ATMs, which are dealing in huge transaction of cash and precious metals.
All these establishments are required to follow these orders and if they contravenes this order, they shall be liable of the punishment in accordance with the provisions of Section 188 of IPC.
Click here for the order for Lajpat Nagar area. Orders for other Areas can bee see at