The Delhi Pollution Control Committee on 3rd November 2022, issued directions under section 31(A) of Air (Prevention and control of pollution) Act 1981 to stop entry of trucks traffic into Delhi and ban on plying of Delhi registered diesel operated MGVs and LMVs.
The Delhi PCC has notified strict implementation and enforcement of the below directions, except for exempted categories/services without any default and demur with immediate effect.
It has been directed to ban plying of Delhi registered diesel operating medium goods vehicles (MGV) and heavy goods vehicles (HGV) in Delhi except those carrying essential commodities/providing essential services.
It has been directed to close down all industries in Delhi even in areas where PNG infrastructure and supply is not available which are running on fuels other than the fuels as per the standard list of approved fuels for all applications in the entire NCR.
However industries like milk and dairy units and those involved in manufacturing of life saving medical equipment/devices, drugs and medicines shall however be exempted from the above restrictions.
Further there shall be no entry of truck traffic into Delhi (except for trucks carrying essential commodities/providing essential services and all CNG/electric trucks).