The Transport Department of Delhi vide its notification dated 28 June 2022, has published the Delhi Maintenance and Management of Parking Places ( Amendment) Rules, 2022. The Amendment is brought under rule 16 which deals with towing charges in which the following second proviso has been inserted: Provided that the Commissioner of Transport may waive off/reduce the parking/custody charges by general or specific order in respect of the categories of vehicles mentioned in Rule 16.
As per rule 16, if a vehicle is parked at a place where the parking is legally prohibited or found committing a violation of any provision of Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 and rules thereof and the vehicle is removed by a towing service or impounded, as the case may be, the towing charges including the cost of manpower and the parking /custody charges for the impounded vehicle. Provided that the charges for safe custody of the vehicle beyond seven days shall be twice the above amount.