Delhi govt issues regulations to deal with COVID-19

Government of Delhi Health and Family welfare department vide its notification dated 12th March 2020 has published the Delhi Epidemic Diseases, COVID – 19 Regulations, 2020 which shall remain in force for a period of 1 year.

Key Highlights from the regulation:

  • The Government directs all Hospitals both government and private should have flu corners for screening of suspected cases COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019). Further, during screening hospitals shall record the travel history of the person if he / she has traveled to any country or area where COVID-19 has been reported.
  • In case the person has any such history in the last 14 days and the person is asymptomatic, then the person must be kept in home quarantine for 14 days from the day of exposure. These information shall be furnished to the State Integrated Diseases Surveillance Programs office as well as the respective District Collectors and Municipal Commissioners. 
  • Surveillance Personnel have right to inspect, and enquire the person suspected or confirmed with COVID-19. 
  • If the owner or occupier(s) of any premises or any individual suspected/confirmed with the disease refuses to take measures for prevention or treatment, or any such person refuses to cooperate with, render assistance to or comply with the directions of the Surveillance Personnel, the concerned district magistrate having jurisdiction and specifically authorized by the district magistrate in this regard, may pass appropriate order and may proceed with proceedings under Section 133 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.
  • The regulations also restricted private labs from testing samples for the disease. The samples will only be collected as per guidelines by the Government of India and will be sent to designated laboratories.

Click here to read the Notification.