As the political landscape of India gears up for the Lok Sabha Elections 2024, the nation stands at a crucial juncture where the power of the vote holds the potential to shape the course of governance and policy-making for years to come. With each election, the spirit of democracy is reignited, and citizens across the country prepare to exercise their democratic right to choose their representatives. Pursuant to the Lok Sabha Elections, the General Administration Department of the Government of Mizoram, issued a notification dated 22nd March, 2024, declaring the 19th of April, 2024 as a paid holiday for all individuals employed in business, trade, industrial undertakings, or any other establishment in Mizoram. The purpose of this paid holiday is to allow individuals registered as voters in Mizoram to exercise their franchise in the General Election to Lok Sabha, 2024. Overall, the document serves as an official communication from the Government of Mizoram, outlining the provision of a paid holiday for eligible individuals to exercise their voting rights in the upcoming General Election to Lok Sabha, 2024. It underscores the significance placed on facilitating and encouraging voter participation in the democratic process, aligning with the legal framework governing negotiable instruments and electoral representation in India.
Draft University Grants Commission (Promotion of Equity in Higher Education Institutions) Regulations, 2025
The core objective of these new regulations is to eradicate discrimination within higher educational institutions (HEIs) based on caste, religion, sex, and other identity markers.