The Government of Tamil Nadu, through the Housing and Urban Development Department, has issued Government Order (Ms) No. 118, extending the deadline until February 29, 2024, for the regularization of unapproved layouts and plots. This applies to plots sold and registered on or before October 20, 2016, under the Regularization of Unapproved Plots and Layouts, 2017 rules, with no alterations to the aforementioned rules. Interested parties are encouraged to apply under this scheme by registering their applications at This serves as a final opportunity to legalize remaining unauthorized plots and layouts before the deadline. Take advantage of this extension and ensure compliance before February 29, 2024. This Notification was published on 14.02.2024.
Government of Karnataka Issues Criteria for Recognition of First Aid Training Institutes for Factory Workers
Government of Karnataka Issues Criteria for Recognition of First Aid Training Institutes for Factory Workers