CPCB Offers Specialized Training Programs for Financial Year 2023-24

The Environmental Training Unit (ETU) of the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) in Delhi is set to organize residential training programs ranging from 2 to 4 days. These programs will be conducted through various reputable government training institutes. The CPCB has published its training calendar in December 2023.

Through these training programs the CPCB enhances environmental awareness and fosters expertise in pollution prevention and control. The following are some of the main aspects of the training program:

Target Group

The training programs are designed for a diverse range of professionals involved in pollution control and environmental management. Target groups include Pollution Control Boards/Committees, Environmental Departments and Ministries, Municipalities, Public Health Departments, Environmental Laboratories, Industries, Hospitals, Industrial Associations, NGOs, and other relevant government departments engaged in pollution prevention, control, or abatement.

Participants from industries, consulting firms, and other private organizations are also welcome to attend as payee participants, subject to seat availability. The selection of participants is at the sole discretion of the CPCB.

Course Fee

  • Government Participants: Participants from government organizations, including CPCB, State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs), Pollution Control Committees (PCCs), and other government entities, can attend courses free of charge. The course fee, inclusive of course material, is covered, and the responsible training institutes will handle arrangements such as lodging and boarding during the programs.
  • Participants from Private Organizations: Individuals from private organizations are required to pay a course fee based on the rules established by the organizing training institutes.

For detailed information on course fees and other specifics, interested parties are encouraged to contact the coordinators of the respective training institutes.

Nomination Process

Nominations for the training programs should be directly submitted to the Training Coordinators of the respective institutes, with a copy endorsed to the Divisional Head of the Environmental Training Unit through email at etu.cpcb@gov.in.

For CPCB Employees: CPCB employees interested in participating should route their nominations through their respective Heads to the Divisional Head of the Environmental Training Unit via email at etu.cpcb@gov.in.