CPCB Issues Draft SOP on Assessment of Plastic Waste Generation

In the wake of rapid urbanization and economic growth, India is grappling with a surge in plastic waste generation, posing significant environmental challenges. The widespread use and indiscriminate disposal of plastics, particularly single-use items, have intensified these concerns.

To address this issue, the Plastic Waste Management Rules of 2016, supplemented by subsequent amendments, provides a legal framework for effective plastic waste management. However, variations in the assessment methodology across different regions have highlighted the need for standardized practices.

Recognizing this, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) has developed a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for assessing plastic waste generation and validating data reported by local bodies. This SOP aims to ensure consistency and accuracy in reporting, enhancing the effectiveness of plastic waste management efforts nationwide.

Moreover, recent amendments to the Plastic Waste Management Rules, such as the ban on identified single-use plastic items and the implementation of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) guidelines, underscore the government’s commitment to tackling the plastic waste crisis. Regular assessments of these measures will help strengthen their implementation and enforcement.

The SOP, formulated with input from stakeholders and referencing studies conducted by organizations like Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), provides a comprehensive methodology for assessing plastic waste generation and characterizing different types of plastic packaging. It also outlines procedures for validating data reported by local bodies, ensuring transparency and accountability in the reporting process.

All concerned stakeholders, including local bodies and State Pollution Control Boards/ Pollution Control Committees (SPCBs/PCCs), are urged to adhere to the guidelines outlined in the SOP. By adopting standardized practices, India aims to enhance its plastic waste management efforts and mitigate the environmental impact of plastic pollution.