CPCB Grants Recognition to Additional Environmental Laboratories and Government Analysts

The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has enhanced the environmental monitoring capabilities in the country by officially recognizing certain laboratories and appointing specified individuals as Government Analysts. This notification was published on January 2, 2024.

This recognition designates the specified laboratories as “Environmental Laboratories” and empowers them to carry out functions assigned under the Environmental Protection Act and related rules.

Additionally, its also recognises certain individuals as Government Analysts for the purpose of analyzing samples of air, water, or other substances, as specified for respective groups of parameters.

The new entries provide detailed information, including the name of the laboratory, the recognized Government Analysts, the parameters groups, and the validity of recognition.

The updated list includes the 34 new entries. The recognition of laboratories and appointment of Government Analysts underscore the CPCB’s commitment to maintaining high standards in environmental monitoring and analysis.

Environmental laboratories play a pivotal role in monitoring and analyzing air, water, and other substances to assess pollution levels and environmental quality. The appointment of Government Analysts further ensures that the analysis of samples adheres to stringent standards, contributing to the overall effectiveness of environmental protection measures.