The Government of Haryana on January 31, 2023, issued a corrigendum under the Haryana Logistics, Warehousing and Retail Policy, 2019. Application for subsidiary shall be submitted on prescribed Format for the grant of interest subsidy on the term loan, along with listed documents should be submitted to the Director/ Director General, Industries Department, on the web portal of the department.
The Scheme shall commence with effect from March 09, 2019 for granting subsidy and shall remain in operation for a period of 5 years. The units which have gone into commercial production on or after 09.03.2019 shall be eligible. An enterprise shall be entitled to the interest subsidy on a term loan if it submits its claim, complete in all respects within 03 months of the closing of the financial year of which the incentive is being claimed or within 03 months of notification of the scheme (May 28, 2019), whichever is later.
The application would be processed and examined by the Joint Director/Deputy Director, District Industries Center.