Clinics operating as an Independent entity or as part of an establishment shall apply for certificate under the amended Haryana Clinical Establishments Rules

The State Government of Haryana vide Notification dated 10th December 2019 has published the Haryana Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Amendment Rules, 2019 to further amend the Haryana Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Rules, 2018.

Key Highlights of the amendment:

  • A place established as an independent entity or as a part of an establishment which deals with diagnosis or treatment of diseases where genetic or investigation service with the aid of a laboratory is carried out shall apply to the district registering authority for provisional certificate either in person or by post or through web based online facility along with necessary information in a format as per Annexure 1 and a fee of five hundred rupees.
  • The applicant shall apply to the authority for permanent certificate in person or by post or through web based online facility with the necessary information filled and with evidence of having met the requirements of minimum standards for the particular category of clinical establishment in a form prescribed by the National Council (available at along with a fee of two thousand rupees.
  • Monetary penalties for non- registration of clinical establishment shall be Rs.5000 for 1st contravention and Rs.20,000 for 2nd contravention and Rs.50,000 for 3rd Contravention.

Click here to read the Notification.


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