Clarification Issued on Blood Center Licensing for Hospitals

The Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) has issued a clarification regarding blood center licensing for hospitals. This circular was dated May 22, 2024.

It may be recalled that Rule 122-G of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 state as follows:

“..applications for grant or renewal of license will be continued to be accepted by the State Drugs Department and the CDSCO for operation of Blood Centre or processing of Human blood components run by Government, Indian Red Cross Society, Hospital, Charitable Trust or Voluntary organization.”

Therefore, the CDSCO has clarified that “blood centers run by hospitals” means blood center located in the hospital premises.

Who Can Apply For License

  • Government agencies,
  • Indian Red Cross Society,
  • Hospitals having blood centres within their premises
  • Charitable trusts, and
  • Voluntary organizations

Applications for grant / renewal of license for blood center run by a hospital will be considered according to where such centre is located.