ESIC has directed that on the updated ESIC Aadhaar Seeding application filed by applicants/insured person’s, in cases where only Year is visible in date of birth column after seeding Aadhaar details, the functionary who is doing the Aadhaar seeding work will enter the date and month in appropriate column on the basis of Aadhar Card or other documentary evidence of IP/Beneficiary and Aadhar number will be seeded.
However, such cases will be marked distinctly in profile of IP as declared Date of Birth which may be subject to verification at the time of service delivery or as and when required. All blank cases of Aadhaar mismatch requests of last 15 days have been deleted from backend and all such IPs may be approached again for seeding of their Aadhar No. in ESIC portal.
If system still finds mismatch between DOB Stored in ESIC Database and Declared DOB , system will proceed for Aadhaar based change request, subjected for verification and approval of Branch office If system still found no mismatch between DOB Stored in ESIC Database and Declared DOB , system will display Successful Aadhaar Seeding message on screen.