Chandigarh Labour Reform: Balancing Growth and Protection

In a landmark move, the Chandigarh Administration has issued a notification under the Punjab Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1958, bringing significant reforms to the operational framework of local businesses. Effective immediately upon gazette publication, the exemption grants shops and commercial establishments the freedom to operate 24/7 throughout the year, bypassing certain statutory restrictions. This notification was published on June 25, 2024.

While celebrating flexibility, the directive underscores stringent safeguards for employee welfare. Mandatory weekly rest days, limits on daily and weekly work hours, and special provisions for female employees ensure a balanced work environment. Stringent security measures, including CCTV surveillance and emergency alarms, are mandated to uphold workplace safety.

In cases of non-compliance, the exemption may be revoked, emphasizing adherence to all statutory labor laws. Furthermore, provisions of Acts like the Disaster Management Act, 2005, and the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897, take precedence in emergency situations. Chandigarh’s forward-looking approach aims to harmonize business growth with employee protection, setting a progressive benchmark for labor reforms in India.