The Government of Chandigarh on December 27th 2024 issued the official list of public holidays for the calendar year 2025. The notification includes three important schedules with specific guidelines for employees, government offices, and the public.
Schedule 1: Public Holidays in Government Offices
The Chandigarh Administration has officially declared a list of public holidays under Schedule 1 for all public offices within the region. These holidays are to be observed throughout 2025, ensuring that government employees and public offices follow the specified dates.
Schedule 2: Additional Restricted Holidays
In addition to the holidays listed in Schedule 1, the government has introduced a unique provision under Schedule 2. Employees will be allowed to choose two additional holidays from a list of Restricted Holidays provided in the schedule. This flexibility enables employees to select holidays that are significant to them, offering more personalized time off in the year.
Schedule 3: Holidays Under the Negotiable Instruments Act
Schedule 3 highlights holidays that will be observed under the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881. These holidays will be recognized as public holidays within the Union Territory of Chandigarh, ensuring that business operations in this jurisdiction align with the prescribed public holidays.