The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission on 11th June 2022, has notified the Draft Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Sharing of Inter-State Transmission Charges and Losses) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2022 and has invited comments/suggestions/objections from the public which shall be sent on or before 11th July 2022, at and For registered users, the comments/suggestions/objections shall also be uploaded through SAUDAMINI Portal.
Through this amendment, regulation 3 which deals with Principles of sharing transmission charges in which clause 3 has been substituted as follows;
Bills for transmission charges shall be raised on the buyer in terms of this clause notwithstanding any provisions in the PPA and the settlement of the transmission charges inter se between the buyer and the generating station or the seller, wherever necessary, shall be made in terms of the PPA or as per the mutual agreement.
Further regulation 12 deals with transmission deviation in which clause 1 has been substituted as follows:
Transmission Deviation, in MW, shall be computed as under:
- For a generating station, net metered ex-bus injection, in a time block in excess of GNA:
Provided that for a hydro-generating station, schedules for overload capacity of 10% during peak season shall not be charged under transmission deviation.
- For a State net metered injection or net metered drawal, in a time block, in excess of the sum of GNA and T-GNA for the State including all drawee intra-state entities.
- For any drawee DIC, other than those covered under clause (b) of this Regulation, net metered drawal in a time block in excess of the sum of GNA and T-GNA: Provided that if a generating station including REGS having GNA, draws through ISTS under T-GNA, the net metered drawal of such generating station in a time block in excess of T-GNA shall be considered as transmission deviation.”
2. Transmission Deviation Rate in Rs./MW, for a State or any other DIC located in the State, for a time block during a billing month shall be computed as under:
1.35 X (transmission charges for GNA of entities located in the State, under first bill for the billing month in Rs.)/ (GNA quantum in MW of such entities located in the State, considered for billing, for the corresponding billing period X number of days in a month X 96).