The Central Electricity Authority vide circular dated 17th March, 2022 has revised the Central Electricity Authority (Furnishing of Statistics, Returns and Information) Regulations, 2007. The amendment has substituted List of formats, frequency (ies) and target date including Formats like No. 21 tilled ― Annual data of HV/EHV industry having electricity demand of 1 MW or above.
The following formats is deleted:-
(a) the Format No. 30 tilled ―Daily data regarding loss of generation on accountof shortage of coal,
gas and unrequisitioned liquid fired capacity.
(b) the Format No. 39 tilled ―Report of Monthly Average Ash percentages.
(c) the Format No. 40 tilled ―Report of Quarterly/Annual Average Ash Percentage (by weight) in coal
(d) the Format No. 45 tilled ―Fuel-Oil Dat.
(e) the Format No. 46 tilled ―Status of Progress of Villages Electrification and Irrigation Pump sets
(f) the Format No. 47 tilled ―District wise status of progress of village electrification and energisation
of Pump sets.