Central Consumer Protection Authority directs ‘Yatra’ an online Travel Platform to refund booking amount to consumers affected due to Covid-19 lockdown

It came to the notice of the Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) through National Consumer Helpline (1915-toll free number) that many grievances were lodged relating to non-refund of cancelled air tickets on account of COVID-19 lock down wherein the consumers had alleged that the travel agencies informed them that refunds have not been received from the airlines etc.

To further facilitate timely processing of refunds to consumers, CCPA issued an order on 27.06.2024 wherein it directed Yatra to set up dedicated arrangements at the National Consumer Helpline (NCH). Specifically, Yatra is required to allocate five exclusive seats at NCH for making calls to the remaining 4,837 passengers informing them that their pending refunds due to COVID-19 lockdown-related flight cancellations will be processed. The costs incurred for engaging these five dedicated personnel will be fully covered by Yatra with payments made directly to the agency managed by NCH.